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Eviction Services

Personalised & Safe Evictions

Boutique Security is committed to carrying out respectful and peaceful evictions that prioritize safety for all parties involved. Our experienced and highly trained security team follows a strict code of conduct, which includes treating all individuals with respect and dignity during the eviction process. We work closely with our clients to develop a customized eviction plan that minimizes the risk of violence and ensures a peaceful resolution. Additionally, our team conducts thorough site assessments and implements measures such as physical barriers and round-the-clock surveillance to prevent squatters from returning to the property. By prioritizing safety, respect, and effective planning, we are able to successfully carry out evictions while minimizing the risk of violence and disruption.

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What We

  • Removal Of Squatters

  • Removal Of Squatters Contents

  • Removal Of Temporary Structures

  • Evictions With Armed Riot Units

  • Towing Of Vehicles

  • Securing Of Premises Perimeter 

  • Lock Smith

  • Daily Property Checks

  • Post Eviction Cleaning & Clearance

Contact Us

The Eviction Process


At Boutique Security, we are committed to delivering personalised and customer-centric security solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. From commercial and residential guarding to off-site monitoring and technical services, our experienced security professionals provide reliable and comprehensive protection to safeguard your assets and property. We also prioritize fair pay for our staff, ensuring that they are compensated fairly for their expertise and commitment to our clients, resulting in a highly skilled and dedicated team that is fully invested in delivering exceptional security services. By choosing Boutique Security, you can rest assured that your security needs will be met with the utmost professionalism and care.

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Our Promise

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Let's Get In Touch

355 Oak Avenue, Ferndale

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